Friday, June 27, 2008


Sleep... Okay, some of you have kids and some of you don't. If you don't have kids you can read this and feel sorry for us, but if you do have kids, please give me any advice that you have. Bentley used to be a great sleeper. He would only wake up once to eat and he would go right back to sleep, in his own bed. When he started rolling over in his sleep about 2 months ago, I had to stop swaddling him. Ever since then he will not sleep unless I am holding him or he is right next to me. I've been just letting him sleep with me, but I don't sleep good because I'm worried and it's hard to sleep in the same position all night every night. We have a bedtime routine, he falls asleep very easily, and I put him in his crib. He wakes up anywhere from an hour to 3 hours later and will not go back into his crib no matter what I do. He rubs his eyes constantly, pulls out his paci, sits up and just cries. He is currently teething so I give him teething tablets, put orajel on his gums, give him tylenol or motrin, but that doesn't seem to be the problem since he will go to sleep immediately if I lay beside him. I posted previously that I accidentaly let him cry it out and was going to try it again. Well, he cried off and on for 2 hours and I couldn't take it anymore. I know we would both sleep better if he was in his bed. So, how do you get your babies to sleep? I'm open to anything.

Other than the sleeping issue we are doing great. Bentley is crawling and pulling up on everything. My birthday is coming up and we might get a babysitter and go out. I'm a little nervous about that since we can't really stay close because there isn't anything close by to do. My phone died this morning and they asked me to bring it in, but the nearest Alltel is 90 miles away. We hopefully only have about 3 more months here.

Now for some pictures. The carrots got a little messy. I've learned to just strip him down when he eats, using a bib doesn't help at all.

Before we got this gate our days were spent with Bentley crawling over to all the fun stuff with the cords and then me moving him away, over and over and over. Now he doesn't even really notice they are there.

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