Monday, October 26, 2009

I'm Still Around

I have not been purposefully avoiding my blog. I have several posts in my head, I just haven't made time to come and type them out. Bentley is really getting into imaginative play, and we play non stop all day. Nap and bedtime are my best friends, but he hasn't been sleeping well at all. He's getting his 2 year molars. He has always had a hard time when teething, but these are by far the worst. I'm pooped.

So, imaginative play is soooo fun to watch. He's been treating his stuffed animals like babies, carrying them around, putting them to bed, feeding them. It is so cute. He also likes to make tunnels and forts with pillows and blankets and "cook" things that we both pretend to eat. He's still not talking a whole lot, but it's something new every day. The other day his thing was, "I know" to everything I said.

We recently visited AR for the arrival of baby Drew. I took Bentley over to Kayla's house twice. The first time he didn't really notice Drew, but he gave him a kiss when we left. The second time I was holding Drew so Bentley decided he needed to as well. He did a really good job and kept coming back to hold him several times.
He had to point out all of Drew's body parts.

While we were there, Bentley had his first sleepover with his papa (my dad). He had so much fun, but did not sleep at all. My dad said he just got out of bed at 2 in the morning and wanted to watch cartoons. Thankfully he wasn't crabby because they just played outside the whole time.

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