Monday, November 28, 2011


A few weeks ago my baby turned 4 years old! I can't believe it.

He is funny, sweet, ornery, sneaky, and affectionate all rolled into one. He loves dinosaurs and zombies (why?). His favorite toys are blocks and cars. Even though he earns time on the ipod for going to bed like a "big boy," he is constantly asking to play it or watch a movie on it. He loves to help with cooking, dishes, laundry, etc. He is so sweet with other children that are smaller than him, except for Chance. They fight. He is in preschool for 3 hours, 4 days a week, and he absolutely loves it. He takes a nap maybe once a week. He is tall (42 in) and skinny (31 lbs). His favorite foods are waffles, broccoli, salad, and any pasta. He is talking so much better and is about to graduate from speech therapy outside of school. He had to get 3 shots at his checkup. It was a very bad experience for both of us.

He had been asking to go to Chuck E Cheese for his birthday for months, so that's where we went. He LOVED it and now wants to go every day. Then we went to ToysRUs for a crown and balloon. He picked out some tools.

He took cupcakes to school on his birthday. Several presents came in the mail that week and we had cake at home. He's already been asking when it will be his birthday again.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


For the last 5 weeks Chance and I have been going to a communication therapy that emphasizes parent training. Basically, they are teaching me how to teach him. He is now doing three signs and giving me lots of opportunities to model language for him. Best of all, today he said his first word!!! He says mama and dada quite a bit, but we aren't really sure if he's just babbling or actually meaning to say mama or dada. This morning though, after he was finished with his breakfast he knew that his milk came next, and he actually asked for it. He knows the sign and usually just does that, but today he said milk. Paul was feeding him so I didn't hear it, but he was willing to repeat it again for me. Then he said it again after lunch, and again after dinner. We are so excited and hoping many more words follow.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Stress Relief

With all of the appointments and worry we've had over the last couple months I was needing a way to spend some time alone with my thoughts. I've always been a little crafty, but I have lots and lots of ideas and have trouble focusing my attention on one project. I like to paint and sew and when I see something I like, I just have to find a way to make it. 

I saw websites for custom painted letters for a nursery or child's room and I just had to have them. One problem, they are very expensive. I had never painted a canvas before, but I thought it couldn't be that hard. So I paint these for Chance's room. I had to disclose Chance's name to Kayla so she could help me design them, but overall it wasn't too hard.

I was so thrilled when Kayla found out she was having a girl because I had been wanting to try to make bows and a dress. Check and check. I have many more dresses on my list of things to try and I am now addicted to looking at girly fabric.

I have been looking for a purse ever since mine was stolen over a year ago. I had only had that one for a couple weeks and am still a little bitter over losing it like that. I am picky with my purses and do not like to spend very much on them. Now that Chance is old enough I don't have to carry a diaper bag everywhere, I was really needing a new one. So I decided to just make myself one. It is the perfect size and I was able to make pockets just the right size for my wallet, keys, and phone.

I have a new nephew coming in October and I wanted to make something for him. I asked my sister if I could try to make bedding for her and she agreed. She wanted a pooh theme and this is what I came up with.

There is a matching quilt too that I somehow didn't get a picture of. It is far from perfect, but I am pleased with it. I learned a lot and really want to do another one for more practice.

I am working on Bentley's room, which I will share in a later post. I have several projects in the works now, and a pretty long list of more for after that. I have enjoyed relieving stress in a more productive way than eating ice cream in front of the TV.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Back to Work

Paul had surgery 5 weeks ago, and this is his first week back at work. The kids and I miss having him here, but I admit it's nice to be back to our normal routine and have the house back in order.

He had been having pain in his hip and lower back for almost a year before they found out what was wrong. Basically, the cartilage cushioning the hip socket was displaced and the bones were rubbing on each other. The "ball" on his leg bone had a flat part where it had been rubbing on the hip socket. They were able to fix it, but the recovery has been brutal. I joked that his schedule of meds and physical therapy was more demanding than a newborn (but really it was). He had to spend 6 hours a day in a machine that moved his leg up and down to prevent scar tissue from forming, and I had to rotate his leg 20 times both ways, 5 times a day.

He was on crutches up until this week, but still can only put partial weight on his leg. I definately took for granted how "much" he helps me. I put much in quotes because I still wouldn't say he helps a ton, but some is more than the not-at-all I've had for the last 5 weeks. Usually we tag team bedtime and each put one down. I'm very ready for that again. I've been short changing both boys with a very abreviated bedtime routine.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Where I've Been

I have been avoiding my blog. There has been so much going on I didn't know what to say. Of course my life isn't all rainbows and butterflies, but I didn't want to spread my negativity. The last month has been hard, but thankfully it's all coming around.

Chance had his one year appointment a little late and it brought some news I wasn't prepared for. At every appointment they use a machine to take a picture of the kids eyes. At his 9 mo. checkup it showed a slight abnormality that the doctor decided to keep watching. At this appointment it was much much worse, and he also failed another measurement they check. We were referred to an opthamologist. His pediatrician was also concerned that Chance has yet to say a single word, no mama, dada, nothing. He also doesn't make very many different sounds. We were referred to an audiologist and speech pathologist.

After that appointment we had many more appointments with various specialists and the early intervention people. His hearing appears to be ok, but he had fluid so they have to recheck in 3 months. His eyes were not okay. He has severe astigmatism (same as Paul had). The doctor told us it was up to us if we wanted glasses. When I told him we might wait, he changed his mind and said he really recommends it. He showed me how Chance sees and we decided to get him glasses. Glasses are really no big deal, but it has really bothered me. I knew at some point all of our kids would probably need glasses. Paul got them at age 5. I wear glasses, but did not need them until age 20. Truthfully, Paul probably needed them at Chance's age, but no one knew. I didn't want something on my baby's face hiding his bright blue eyes and taking away from his cuteness. I know that sounds silly, but it's how I feel. It is a constant challenge to try to figure out how to get him to wear them. He's averaged about 30 minutes a day before he throws a huge fit when we get them out. He looks really adorable though.

I did not spring for the extra $100 anti-glare lenses. We got the rubber frames and they have held up so far to him pulling them off a million times. I told Paul I want to gift all of our kids LASIK when they get old enough since we cursed them with bad eyes.

The talking issue is still ongoing. He was evaluated by several people and found to be severely delayed. He is too young for any kind of therapy, but he is being monitored and I'm good with that. What upsets me is I already know what it's like to have a nonverbal child. I have been so intentional with Chance, and he has been exposed to so much more language than Bentley was. I feel like I have failed, again. I will get over it, and he will talk. So far they do not see any specific reason why he isn't trying to talk so we wait.

When we haven't been running around to appointments, we have been enjoying the wonderful weather here. We got Bentley a new bike and he asks every day if he can ride his "mater bike." It's too cute to resist.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Chance's Birthday

I didn't expect too much from Chance's birthday because it was just us and my mom and Bentley's birthday celebration went like this:

He did not like all the attention on him and refused to even try his cake. Chance, however, loves attention and inherited my love for all things sweet. He completely destroyed his cake before even trying a bite, and then decided to eat some of it. Paul is not a big fan of the "smash cake" idea and says whoever came up with it must not have had to clean up the mess. A month later I am still finding dried up frosting in random places.

He didn't understand the concept of presents, but Bentley didn't mind opening them. They both share a love of giraffes. Chance's squinty-eyed laugh makes us all smile.

My grandma always gave my sister and I a gift on the other's birthday so we wouldn't feel left out. My mom is carrying on this tradition and gave Bentley this dinosaur. It never leaves his side, day or night.

Here are Chance's monthly pictures (I didn't get the stickers until he was almost 2 months old):

Friday, June 10, 2011

May Cont.

Not that I was much of a regular blogger before, but free time is pretty much non-existent these days. This fall will mark 10 years since I took my first college class. I have been meaning to go back to school ever since I stopped taking classes 4 years ago. When I read that some credits can expire after 10 years I knew it was either now or never (or just repeating classes I already took, which I do not want to do). So, back in January I started taking classes again. Reading, studying, and homework are now consuming any free time I had.

Anyway, back to May. Paul's grandma, whom the boys and I had never met, was in LA for a few days, so we made the short trip up there to visit. My mom was still here visiting so we got a couple hotel rooms and figured it would just be a fun little getaway. The first morning we woke up and Bentley's eye was a little red. He was rubbing it so we figured it was allergies or something. It got worse and worse and worse to the point that I just knew he had pink eye. That whole afternoon and evening was spent on the phone arguing with our insurance company, then trying to find an urgent care center that accepted our insurance, and then at the pharmacy.

He did not want me to take a picture of it so that's the best I have. The next day we had to head back home so Paul could go back to work. So we only got to visit with Paul's grandma for maybe an hour total, but it was nice to meet her. Chance was his usual laid back self and didn't complain too much as long as someone snuggled with him while he slept.

Before my mom left we had to check out the Wild Animal Park. We had never been there before. We all had fun and Bentley asked to see the giraffes first thing again. Some of the animals you walk by and see them in their enclosures, but a lot of them are out in this big field. We rode the train around to look at all of them.

You could pay A LOT, A LOT of money to ride out there and feed the giraffes. How cool would that be? Bentley would absolutely love it, but you have to be 6 to do it. So, maybe someday. Or would he pass for a 6 year old? 

Friday, June 3, 2011

May Wrap-Up Part 1

The last part of April and first part of May we were in AR. I went to surprise my friend Kayla who was on bedrest, and I ended up arriving the day before baby Audrey was born.
I am so thankful I was able to meet this sweet baby and spend time with Kayla. It was a quick trip so I was rushed to spend as much time as possible with all my family. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures.

My mom traveled back with us to spend two weeks in San Diego for Chance's birthday. It was a totally different experience having someone with me while traveling. Just being able to go to the bathroom by myself is a treat. We tried to make the most of the time she was here. Our first stop was the zoo. Bentley loves the zoo, so this year we got passes. He got to pick which animal we went to see first and he chose the giraffes.

He really loves the giraffes and their "long, long necks." We watched them for a long time. His 2nd favorite thing after the giraffes was the "dino bones."

The elephants are in the enclosure behind him here, but I don't think he even noticed them. There were several of these rocks that were keeping all of his attention. Chance did great. He just rode and checked everything out and dozed off occassionally.

Next up will be a trip to LA, the beach, the wild animal park, Chance's birthday, and our camping trip. May was a very busy month.

Friday, April 29, 2011

11 Months

It's hard for me to believe Chance is almost a year old.

He has taken a couple of steps here and there, but he is a super speedy crawler so that is what he prefers. On carpet he crawls with both knees down, but on a hard surface he will crawl on one knee and one foot. It's pretty funny to watch.

He drinks all his milk from sippy cups and refuses to eat baby food most of the time. He will eat a few bites of whatever we are eating and could eat his weight in cheerios, puffs, and graham crackers.

We are in AR visiting now so I can't really comment on his sleep. He has been spending the second half of the night in the bed with Bentley and me. Before we left though he was sleeping great, waking up once for some milk, and taking two 1.5 hour naps.

He weighs about 22 pounds and wears 12-18 month clothes. His 8th little tooth just poked through. My sister gave him his first haircut and it makes him look so much older.

He is a very easy going baby. He goes with me pretty much everywhere and is content to sit in the stroller or on my lap munching on cheerios. He likes to make silly faces that make us laugh. He is also very sensitive and doesn't like it when Bentley tries to play with him (which usually means taking the toy he has). He loves his brother though and tries to copy everything he does.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Paci Free Zone

Chance was a paci-addict, but the pacis were starting to cause some trouble. At night he would stand up in his crib and throw his paci as far as he could across the room. Then he would stare at it and cry. I would give it back to him and this process would repeat over and over until he finally fell asleep. I tried putting 3 or 4 pacis in his bed and he would throw them out one at time.

A couple weeks ago he started waking up 3-5 times in the night and needing my help to go back to sleep. The "paci game" as we called it was not very much fun at 2 a.m. After a couple days of this I had an idea: He is already sleeping horribly, why don't I just take his paci away. Brilliant! I kept this bowl of pacis handy knowing I would give in very easily, especially in the middle of the night.

It has now been 2 weeks and I think it's safe to say he is done with pacis. He wakes up once or twice at night, but I'm ok with that. The only real difference I've noticed is he puts anything and everything into his mouth with no paci there to block. I'm so happy this worked out because Bentley's sleep still hasn't recovered from taking his paci away.

Last picture with paci:

Friday, February 25, 2011

9 Months

Chance is a very busy 9 month old. This is what he is up to:
  • He is 20 lbs. 14 oz. as of today. He is wearing mostly 12 month clothes and some 18 month clothes and size 4 diaper.
  • He eats a lot, but hates veggies. I have to mix one part veggie with 3 parts oatmeal to tone down the taste to where he will eat it. He loves all pureed fruits and does well with feeding himself table foods. He can drink from a sippy cup, but prefers not to.
  • He is finally crawling!! One day Bentley spilled some Cheerios on the floor and the next thing we knew he was crawling towards them. Apparently he is motivated by food (something Bentley was never and still isn't). This made it hard to get him to sit still for pictures. He kept coming after the camera. He is also pulling up on anything and everything.

  • He is sleeping quite a bit better. He still has trouble getting to sleep between bedtime (7:30) and 10, but the last couple nights he has slept from 10 to 7 without waking up. That is a huge improvement from last month. He takes two naps and those are no problem thankfully.
  • He had his first ambulance ride (and hopefully last). Long story short, he choked on a sticker. It makes me sick to my stomach thinking back to how I felt. I had to call 911. The paramedics came to our house. They could not get it out of his throat, but on the way to the hospital he was able to swallow it. It's hard to baby proof with a 3 year old around, but you can bet I am going to be so much more careful now.
  • He still loves to be held and would sit on your lap forever if you let him. He gives kisses and will whack you in the face if he gets excited.
  • He "talks" all the time and mainly says dadadada. When I tell him to say mama he just laughs. Stinker.