We spent the 4th at the beach. I don't know why we don't go there more often. It's only 20 minutes away, and we all love it. We played all day (or I should say they played, I lounged and read a book), and stayed to watch the fireworks on the bay. I was nervous about Bentley being scared of them, but he was oohing and awing along with everyone else.
I decided it was time to face my gettingpaintoneverything fears, and let Bentley have some messy fun. He must have picked up on my fears because he wouldn't even paint on the picture frame. He just wanted to paint inside it. When I would tell him to paint on it, he would then move to paint just outside of it. He was cracking me up.
We found a really neat children's pool near our house. We have been going there more recently because it is so hot in our apartment. Bentley loves other kids, and I enjoy seeing him run around trying to play with all of them.
We spent 3 weeks in Arkansas visiting family and going to lots of baby showers. I think I went to one every weekend I was there. Paul was able to be there for a few days so we were very busy running around. Bentley enjoyed playing with his cousins.
Bentley loves going to my dad's house because he has dogs and lots of fun toys. He is fascinated by the dogs and loves to pet them. He knew exactly where my dad kept this remote controlled car, and he would go get it first thing every time. He only knew how to make it go forward though so he would chase it around the yard.
He also loved going over to my grandma's house because my aunt has fun toys for her grandkids. He knows how to make the Escalade go, but he doesn't understand steering. My dad had the privilege of providing the steering.